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MAG26, Phosphea’s magnesium phosphate, is suitable for swine and ruminant as it provides a high available source of phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg). The unique combination of these two minerals offers valuable properties. MAG26 can entirely or partially replace both MCP and MgO in premixes and mineral formulas.
MAG26 has been developed in Saint-Malo in 1996 in our first factory. Since then is has been widely used in for mineral feed producer leading to improving manufactory process. And in 2024 Phosphea actively launched MAG26 for swine industry. Discover it !
MAG26 contains 14% P with a Pse > 20%. A digestibility trial was conducted in 2023 to prove the high availability of the phosphorus in the product. The results show that there is no statistical difference between magnesium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate. This makes MAG26 one of our phosphates with the highest digestibility for swine.
Phosphea recommends this magnesium phosphate during the growing and finishing phases. Cannibalism in fattening pig it’s an important issue, with a prevalence between 10% and 58% according to some study in Europe. This problematic has a direct impact on the profitability of the swine sector, with an estimated impact of 2.3€ in Europe. In an in vivo trial conducted in 2023, a reduction of 20% in tail lesions in pigs was demonstrated.
MAG26 helps to reduce tail lesions This reduction improves the performance of the pigs and animal welfare. In addition to providing high-quality phosphorus, the combination of P and Mg within the same molecule increases antioxidant capacity and cell viability compared to an association of other phosphate sources.
MAG26 could also be beneficial for managing hyper-prolific sows to reduce stress around farrowing and to improve the process.