Expert Files

Low protein diets: a challenge or a need for poultry production?

The world population continues to increase; on November 15, 2022, the figure of 8 billion people was surpassed, and it is expected that in the next 30 years it could increase by 2 billion more people (FAO, 2024). Population growth is also associated with an increase in purchasing power and this means that meat production continues to grow...

Phosphorus and calcium, two essential macro-minerals in poultry

The formulation of diets in aquaculture is a constantly evolving field and tends to meet the various challenges of the moment: getting as close as possible to the specific nutritional requirements of each species, while using raw materials that are available, of high quality, with an increasingly low environmental impact, and with the consent of the end-buyer.

Phosphorus is one of the most important minerals in animal nutrition

Calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) are essential raw materials for animal health, performance, and well-being. Ca represents 1.9% of the total body weight and is the basis of the bone structure.