Our social and environmental involvement

Our CSR commitment

Aware that we must all be actors in the ecological, economic and social transition, more and more of our decisions are integrating social well-being, local economic development and control of our environmental impacts. We formalized our commitments into a policy in 2022 which is in line with the Groupe Roullier CSR policy.

We choose 3 pillars that meet the expectations of our internal and external stakeholders:

One of our objectives is to develop innovative solutions to meet challenges of the sector such as precision nutrition, economic performance of livestock farming, reduction of environmental impact and animal welfare.

Our objective is to convert 50% of our products and 10% of our volumes with committed high value-added product between now and 2030:

  • By improving digestibility and thus using fewer natural resources and reducing environmental discharges
  • By contributing to feed efficiency and thus contributing to farm performances

This project is based and structured around the Sustainable Development Goals, that will allow suppliers to position themselves around common interests and objectives. Our purchasers are trained to apply this vision and share it with our suppliers, major players among our stakeholders.

Reducing the environmental impact of our products by controlling energy consumption and carbon footprint

Since 2018, Phosphea has started actions under “LOOP” project. An assessment of its CO₂ emissions has been carried out in 2021 and a second is underway in 2023.

At factory level, in 4 years, Phosphea achieved a reduction of gas (-18%) and energy (-7%) consumption which correspond to a decrease of 5 354 teq CO₂.

Phosphea is continuously working on the project to achieve the aim of reducing 30 % of emissions calculated in 2022 for the scopes 1 and 2 and this, by 2040. To achieve this, an action plan is put in place by expert partners to achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from our activities. The action plan also includes scope 3, which was measured this year with the aim of assessing our dependence in terms of emissions in relation to our partners in the chain and working with them on possible areas for reduction.

Social responsibility

Phosphea is committed to the health, safety well-being of our employees. Each factory around the world follows European standards and a security manager ensures the smooth running of operations. In addition, through “My EHS” project, our ambition is to develop a safety culture for each Phosphea workers. Efficient trainings, sensitizing events , fluent reporting, respect of safety standards and other actions are in place to reach the objective of having a reduction of the frequency rate of workplace accidents to 50% by 2025.

The third commitment also includes trainings and management of talents. The aim is that 75% of employees receive at least one training course during the year.
 Furthermore, to follow the UN goals on sustainable development, Phosphea encourages its collaborators all around the world to think about and realize local communities’ development and sustainable actions. A dedicated CRS committee composed by people from different services and at all levels,  is involved in all our subsidiaries proposition concrete actions and meats quarterly to follow up and support the realization of those actions.

As an example, worldwide challenges are organized to promote team cohesion reducing CO₂ emissions from the daily work. Specific actions are undertaken to support our local communities such as supporting the education in India, providing food and clothes in Europe and in our office in China, giving goodies to social associations, help refugees in Malaysia, etc.